13yr anniversary! Woot!!!

It’s been 13yrs since I opened an account here on WordPress. 13yrs!

13 years ago, I opened an account thinking I was going to write something on WordPress on a daily basis and of course I never did. I had the best of intentions but it didn’t eventuate like that.

I thought I had lots of things I wanted to write about, lots of things that I wanted to say, but really, at the end of the day I couldn’t find my voice. And I wondered why, why wasn’t I ever able to find my voice.

I think mostly it may have been because I read other posts here and got lost in their stories and very quickly decided that there was no way I could compete with their talent and their ability to build an audience through their stories. The variety of stories that are delivered by being open and unreserved through self promotion and identity is very impressive to me. And that’s the crux of it all. I was never able to write freely on a public forum because of wanting to protect my privacy.

What privacy? I’ve got nothing to hide. But that’s not the point.

I didn’t want to be like everybody else on forums or blogs revealing themselves about every little nuance they’ve experienced documented like a ravenous raccoon breaking into a trash can.

So where does that leave me in terms of writing something that’s not about my personal life. What subjects could I write about, that would peak an interest in my readers?

I may know some stuff but I’m not an expert on any specific subject. I know a little bit of this and that but nothing more different than what others already know.

Does this mean that, for the next 13 years I will still write the occasional something about nothing and still be wondering what on earth I should be writing about? Probably?

Maybe that’s it, maybe I should be writing things about nothing like this entry for example? Or, maybe I should just let the experts have their say and continue reading their prose?

So to all of you that dedicate your life to writing blogs etc., that have a voice that share your thoughts and interests and values and whatever else you desire, well done you! the world needs you to fill the minds of people just like me.

Carry on.